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How to train for your body type

Have you ever compared yourself to someone who can build muscles faster than you? Or someone who can eat anything and never puts on weight?

The reason for that is that all of we have different body types, so we can´t compare to each other. Your body type is predominantly genetic, but that doesn’t mean you are doomed to your genetics.

Generally, there are three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. It explains how the majority of people’s bodies work, being one or a combination of a couple. It is important to recognize which one you are so you understand how your body responds to food and exercise and what you need to do to get in shape and stay fit and healthy.


You can get a good idea of what those body types look like and where they are prone to store more fat (or muscle) from the image on this post. 



  • Lean and long
  • Find it difficult to gain weight from either muscle mass or fat.
  • A slim body usually due to having a fast metabolism.
  • Workouts should be more focused on resistance. This'll help build and shape muscles, without burning too many much-needed calories.



  • Muscular with a narrow waist
  • The Mesomorph is kind of in between the Ectomorph and the Endomorph.
  • Tend to have naturally athletic builds and can gain and lose weight with relative ease.
  • Find it easier to gain muscle definition and weight than an ectomorph.
  • A combination of resistance and endurance training often works well for this body type.
  • The more varied the training, the better the results.



  • Curvy with wide hips 
  • Tend to have a slower metabolism.
  • Gain muscle and fat relatively easily yet find it harder to lose weight.
  • Workouts should incorporate a high level of endurance training along with some resistance training.



Knowing what is the best workout for you is a great starting point to help you move in the right direction. Focus on being the best version of you and use the right exercise to stay healthy, cause once you get into a rhythm and know how your body works, you will be on your way to reach your fitness goals in time.

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