Food Intolerance Test

 FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST (200 food types)


Picture of bread and grains

What are the symptoms of food intolerance?

Symptoms of food intolerance can vary widely among individuals but commonly include the following:

- Gas, cramps, or bloating: These digestive issues are often the first signs that your body is struggling to process certain foods properly.
- Heartburn: A burning sensation in the chest or throat can occur when food intolerances affect the digestive system's ability to process certain substances, leading to acid reflux.
- Diarrhoea: Frequent, loose stools may indicate that your body is rapidly trying to eliminate foods it cannot tolerate.
- Headaches and Migraines: For some individuals, food intolerances can trigger headaches or more severe migraines due to inflammatory responses or specific food chemicals.
- Constipation: Difficulty in bowel movements might be experienced by some as a reaction to certain foods.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Food intolerances can exacerbate symptoms of IBS, including abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits.
- Eczema: Skin conditions such as eczema can flare up as a result of food intolerances, indicating an immune response to certain foods.
- Water retention: Experiencing swelling or puffiness in the body can be a sign of food intolerance, often due to the body's inflammatory response to certain foods.

If you suspect you have a food intolerance, it may be beneficial to consult with a healthcare professional or a dietitian for an accurate diagnosis and tailored dietary advice.

Eliminate Uncertainty From Your Diet

Distinguished from other available tests, our comprehensive analysis encompasses all four subtypes of food-specific IgG (1-4), unlike others that may only examine IgG4. This meticulous approach guarantees the detection of a broader range of food-specific IgG reactions, ensuring a more accurate identification of potential food intolerances.

Enhance Your Gut Health and Immune Function

Considering that 70% of your immune system resides within your gut, supporting gut health becomes essential for overall well-being. By minimising your "immune load" and eliminating potentially problematic ingredients from your diet, you can contribute to the optimal functioning of your gut, thereby bolstering your immune system's efficacy. This strategy is integral to maintaining health and preventing immune overactivity, guided by our London-based nutritionists' expert advice.

Picture of finger prick for food intolerance tets

How the Process Unfolds:

1 - Secure Your Test Online: Initiate the process by making a payment through our online platform

2 - Schedule Your Appointment or Opt for Home Delivery: Book a slot to visit our clinic in London, or provide us with your address to have the test kit delivered directly to you.

3 - Simple Sample Collection: The test requires only a finger prick to collect a small blood sample. Once collected, simply send it back to our lab for analysis.

4 - Receive Your Results via Email: Your detailed test results will be sent directly to your email, providing insights guided by our registered dietitians and nutritionists in London.

This streamlined process, supported by our comprehensive nutritional wellness programs in London, ensures you receive personalised health insights with ease. Whether you seek advice from a weight management nutritionist, or a sports nutrition expert, or need nutritional therapy in London, our services are designed to cater to your specific health and dietary needs.